Our Customer Loyalty Programs
Lucky Buys Reward
Lucky Buys Reward is a points based customer loyalty and rewards program for independent retailers. Over 1000 businesses and over 500,000 cardholders have participated in Lucky Buys Reward, nationally. A diverse range of businesses have adopted Lucky Buys Reward as their customer loyalty and rewards program including; supermarkets, petrol stations, electrical stores, hardware stores, clothing stores, auto stores, hotels, and plant nurseries. The program has proven to influence buyer behaviour and instill repeat purchase habits. Businesses, which use the program well, have shown increases in customer spending and visits.

Red Meat Rewards
Red Meat Rewards is a points based customer loyalty and rewards program specifically designed for independent retail butcher stores associated with Meat Livestock Australia (MLA) as members of RMNC TM. The program is a co- branded solution with Lucky Buys Reward, a successful customer loyalty program, with has proven to influence buyer behaviour and instill repeat purchase habits.

Auto Pro VIP
Autopro VIP Club is a points based customer loyalty and rewards program exclusive to Autopro members. Autopro VIP Club is a national initiative for the Autopro group and is supported and promoted by the group with a view towards providing members with a competitive advantage in their local markets, raising consumer awareness and loyalty to the Autopro Brand and creating a national customer database. The Autopro VIP Club Card is co-branded with Lucky Buys Reward to provide members with further strategic advantages, opportunities and business benefits.

IGA Community Club
Your IGA Community Club is a points based customer loyalty program specifically designed for independent IGA stores. When customers join and make purchases, they have the option of keeping and redeeming their points for instant rewards or they can donate their points to your ‘IGA Community Chest’ to support the community.

Pool Pro
The Pool Pro VIP Customer program is a points based program for Pool Pro stores and stockists around Australia. Pool Pro started it’s associated with the Lucky Buys Reward program in August 2009. Pool Pro serve more then 200 inderpendant pool shops through Australia and the South Pacific.